Perry said, in broad strokes, SSN(X) would take the. With the end of the Cold War and the change of emphasis to littoral operations, the cost of the Seawolf submarines was judged prohibitive and the programme was curtailed in favour of the smaller and cheaper Virginia Class New Attack submarines. Before Virginia, the Navy developed the Sea Wolf-class to be a deep-diving submarine with a weapons room that can field about 50 torpedoes. Seawolf-class submarines The Seawolf class is a class of nuclear-powered, fast attack submarines (SSN) in service with the United States Navy. The Seawolf was a product of the Cold War, conceived to maintain the USA acoustic advantage over Soviet submarines. Developer My Abandonware > Strategy > SSN-21 Seawolf SSN-21 Seawolf DOS - 1994 4. Advanced weaponry and new tactical capability and communications combined with an increased weapons load of Mark 48 anti-submarine torpedoes, Harpoon missiles and Tomahawk cruise missiles, Which allow Seawolf to operate from under arctic ice to shallow water close to shore. The third, Jimmy Carter (SSN 23), is to be modified to improve payload carrying and underwater maneuverability. The Seawolf class is a class of nuclear-powered fast attack submarines (SSN) in service with the United States Navy.

Designed to succeed the Los Angelesclass attack submarines and maintain America’s edge in the underwater. Connecticut (SSN22) was commissioned in December 1998. The Seawolf-class submarines were envisioned as the best submarines ever built. The first of class, the Seawolf (SSN21), was ordered from the Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics, Connecticut, in January 1989 and commissioned in July 1997.

The Seawolf was conceived as a faster, better-armed eventual replacement for the Los Angeles class nuclear-powered attack submarines. Seawolf-class submarines - the first new top-to-bottom attack submarine design since the early 1960s - are the fastest, quietest, most heavily armed.