I'm assuming SimpleLinkedList is a Java class that you have implemented.
(a) Write a static method copyStack that accepts an StackIn that case, the peek () methods signature will then return a String. taking each element in the original list and replacing it with k copies of that. You can put any object in a list, including another list.
If you want to store Strings then you should define the stack like this: LinkedStackThe stack can also be implemented using a linked list just like how we have done using arrays. Returns: the head of this list, or null if this list is empty.
Specified by: peek in interface Queuepublic E peek () Retrieves, but does not remove, the head (first element) of this list. Import answer by manikanta is right however, changeElement(List list, String string, String replacement) requires you to pass the List as a parameter, which means you can't use it in the context list.changeElement("W", "X"). All elements in LinkedList have same value as element added duplicate Ask Question Asked 10 years, 2 months ago Modified 10 years, 2 months ago Viewed 4k times 0 This question already has answers here : Why does my ArrayList contain N copies of the last item added to the list (5 answers) Closed 9 years ago. You should not need any SupressWarnings in this code. We can also print or traverse the stack elements using Java 8 features like Stream APIs, forEach, and forEachRemaining constructs. Here is what the Oracle Java Documentation page describes them to be, but they do not explain the difference. The following diagram shows initial conditions for a linked list Of the list by adding a “trailer” node that also never stores a We get rid of the remaining special cases related to being at the end
However, there are space savings due to smaller code size,īecause statements to handle the special cases are omitted. The cost of this simplification is the space for the header node. The header node saves coding effort because we no longer need toĬonsider special cases for empty lists or when the current position is newt.peek () returns the data inside of the head of the queue.

newt is the name of the Generic LinkedList Queue. Ignored and it is not considered to be an actual element of the list. This is the current method Im working with. This header node is a link node like any other, but its value is

Linked lists with an additional header node A stack is a container to which objects are added and removed by following last-in-first-out strategy. Linked list implementation of stack is efficient than array implementation because it does not reserve memory in advance. Thus, a reference to the first element is enough to. Stack in Java Using Linked List This article demonstrates a linked list implementation of generic stack. This tag should be used with additional tags indicating the programming language being used ( c, c++. Many special cases can be eliminated by implementing A simple linked list is a data structure in which each element has a link to the next one in the list. Questions tagged linked-list A linked list is a data structure where the list elements are not necessarily stored sequentially but rather each element contains a reference to the next (and optionally the previous) element in the list. Special cases, as well as the problem with deleting the last node. Fortunately, there is a fairly easy way to deal with all of the